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Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is a normal emotion and common experience, and it represents one of the most basic of human emotions. At one time or another, all of us are likely to be “stressed out”, worried about finances or health or the children, fearful in certain situations and concerned what other people think. In general, anxiety serves to motivate and protect an individual from harm or unpleasant consequences.

For many people, however, constant or excessive anxiety disrupts their daily activities and quality of life; for others, panic, which seems to come out of nowhere, can cause terrible physical symptoms, such as faintness, chills, and even extreme chest pains. Anxiety disorders are so common that more than 1 in every 10 Americas will suffer with one some point in their life.

Here is the list of anxiety problems I treat:


  • You feel shortness of breath or heart palpitations that seem to come out of the blue, you fear you might have a heart attack and die or lose control and go crazy. Read more about Panic Attacks.



  • You don’t like or avoid social situations because you are worried people will judge you negatively or you will somehow embarrass yourself;  or you constantly go over past social interactions in your mind. Read more about Social Anxiety.


  • You constantly worry about your health, you are continually tracking your bodily symptoms, you avoid going to doctors or going to doctors all the time even though you were not diagnosed with a serious illness. Read more about Health Anxiety.

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